Today is the Army and American flag's 230 birthday. Of course our high ranking officials were out in their dressy glory, and units cut cakes to "celebrate".
I participated in a ceremony as well. The Army flag has 175 battle streamers from the major actions we've participated in since the colonies. We go through this whole thing where we attach each group of streamers to the flag as the narrator summarizes each war or conflict and salute. When she got to WWII, a vet stood up and saluted as the clip was fastened. He remained standing for Korea and a few men joined him. Then Vietnam. A few stood up a few sat back down. Saluted. Grenada. Desert Storm. And last, Kosovo. Of course next year a few more will be added unfortunately. I wasn't expecting the older man to stand up and render courtesy. In the 95 degree heat I also wasn't expecting him to remain standing for the time he did. Very presumptuous of me. I teared up and let them stream down my face as I attached the Vietnam streamers. It always feels surreal to me to witness and take part in these events. All opinions and political feelings aside, It's humbling to be a part of something so much bigger than oneself. I'll miss it.
The U.S. Army Birthday and Flag Day
You don't look a year past 210
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