Take some time out to do as little as possible. And listen to some music that makes you bop your head, like Beck. See ya's in a few, I need some sun. Oh, and I have more pics on Buzznet.
thesam I'm working on it.
I actually left the house on a weekday
I am a Sirius satellite radio subscriber. Love it. I was listening the other day and heard a promo for a new program. "Raw Dog Comedy", the harsher of the two comedy stations, was looking into a weekly live comedy show in studio and wanted a test audience. I signed up knowing I'd never get a phone call.
A Night of Stand-up
I got the call Monday evening from a nice corporate sounding gentleman who asked if I could make it Tuesday at 6pm with a guest and so began the Tuesday journey into Manhattan. I was especially excited because I'm not just a Stand-up comedy fan, but a huge fan of Jim Breuer, who happens to have his own show on Raw Dog. I've spoken to him a few times on the phone, not that we're pisans or anything, but I was enthusiastic nevertheless. I take the 90 minute train ride from the depths of Central Jersey and the boyfriend does the same from beautiful Nassau County, or "Up Island" as Buffy and Chad out in the hamptons would call it. After meeting up at Penn Station, speed walking 15 blocks, and going through security, we were presented with an outstanding show. I can't remember all the names, but they were really funny. One guy, Richard (I have no short term memory whatsoever) was hilarious. There were a few other comedians hanging around that I recognized and we got to bullshit with them for a few minutes. That wrapped up around 8pm, and we were famished, so we walked a few blocks up and ate at "Bar Americain", Bobbly Flay's new place. Now folks, understand that I am not a Manhattanite. I was/am a blue collar Catholic raised mutt Caucasian from the Bronx. I do love the "city", but below 14th street more often than mid-town. Not much for the "suits". Anyways, we were there, so fuck it. The food was fucking awesome. How's that for a review? We had a smattering of things and it was all outstanding. And I got to see the boyfriend during the week, so yay for me. Of course I didn't get home till 130am, but it'll be okay. I got my wakey-wake pills to keep me wide-eyed.
-Also, if you don't know about the world-wide revolution, go check it out . Now.
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nothing like laughing
I'm so addicted to this site. I think it's hilarious. Catty? Yes, but hilarious.
"Fug is the New Pretty"
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Sam, are you in there?
Totally blew the roof off last night and unloaded on the defenseless boyfriend. He's been working to make some extra dough lately, which I have no problem with. He worked late Friday, came home, changed and we ran out the door. We saw Lewis Black perform at the North Fork Theatre in Westbury. Good stuff. I'm a huge stand up fan and Lew is one of my favorites. It took me 3 hours to drive 60 miles which was also a blast. Anyway, after the show we grabbed a few beers. Saturday rolls around and he gets up at 7am and works until 6pm. Comes home, showers, and we proceed to go to dinner and a bar with some friends for a birthday. Home around 2am, he gets up again Sunday morning, works until 3 or so and comes home. The two of us with another couple, go to the Mexican restaurant down the street (his fav) and chow down. We also drank two carafes of Margarita. Get home, rabbit hump all over the house, and he promptly falls asleep. In restrospect it's actually amusing. At the time, however, I wasn't amused. I had spent the day doing laundry and tring to find other nice things to do for him, and when he got home he apologized for not being around too much. Totally cool though, because he's working. Apparently I got my feelings hurt when we finished "fooling around" and he fell asleep on me. I finished the laundry and tried to wake him up a few times to no avail. I was so annoyed that when he did get up 2 hours later to take his contacts out, I lit into him and immediately started crying. I wonder if I'm gettingm y period this week.
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